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马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 二十二


“don’t know how I could’ve done it,” Ross mcLaurin assured helene gravely. “Never wanted murder anyone in m’whole life. can’t understan’ why I murdered man I didn’ even know.” he had discarded the use of glasses now, and was punctuating his remarks with sips from the bottle. “Never even heard of a man named Gerald tuesday. couldn’t forget man name like that. could anybody forget man name Gerald tuesday?”


“Never,” helene said solemnly. She was sitting on the foot of the bed, a glass of rye in one hand, and a chicken leg in the other. “but maybe he wasn’t really named tuesday.”


Ross mcLaurin gestured with the bottle. “whatever’s name was. Never knew the man in whole life.”


malone picked up his bottle of gin. he too had given up glasses half an hour ago. “Nuts. You never murdered anybody in your life, either.”


the young man stared at him. “maybe you’re right. maybe I never did.” For a moment he seemed sober, pletely, painfully sober. “oh God, if I only remembered.”


“You can remember,” helene said convincingly. “You were just about to tell me what happened on New Year’s Eve.”


“I met this man in a bar. I was so damned mad, this man hanging around Lotus. Not the man we’re talking about, another man. Gosh, you know what I mean.”


“Sure.” Jake said, “I know exactly what you mean.”


“I got so mad I walked out onna party. I must’ve been drunk to do thing like that. wandered around and got into a bar. there was a man came in, good-looking young man. dead now, poor devil. he called the bartender and said he was looking for man named malone.”


“that’s me,” the lawyer said.


Ross mcLaurin stared at him as though seeing him for the first time. “Your name malone? Imagine that. It’s a small world, isn’t it?”


“Getting smaller every minute.” malone assured him.


“Go on,” Jake said patiently. “this man came into the bar asking for malone—”


“Name sounded familiar. Remembered mona had talked about a malone. told me about him. So I went up to this chap. I went right up to him and I said, “I know of a malone. heard all about him. John Joseph malone. Irresistible to women. wonnerful lawyer.”


“that’s still me,” malone said, reaching for the gin.


“Shut up,” helene said. “Go on, Ross. what did he say?”


“he says that was the man he was looking for.”


“See,” malone said triumphantly. “I told you so.”


this time helene ignored him. So did Ross mcLaurin, now absorbed in the telling of his story.


“I said, ‘I’ll help you look for him.’ he said, ‘Fine,’ so I had a drink and out we went. together. there’s a very good song with that for a title.” he decided to sing it. “we’ll stroll along—together—”


Jake said, “Listen, Ross. Skip that. do you remember what happened to you on New Year’s Eve?”


“New Year’s Eve? I’ll never forget it. I was at the panther Room with—”


“Not now you aren’t,” helene said. “You’re out with a man who was killed later that night, looking for a lawyer named malone.”


“So I was,” Ross mcLaurin said. “we went to some bar. had a couple of drinks there while he asked the bartender for some man. malone, I think his name was.”


“that’s me,” malone said. No one heard him.


“I stopped for one more drink and this chap—don’t know who he was—went on without me. that made me mad. he’d gone off and left me, and I was only trying to help him find some chap—can’t think of his name.”


“malone,” the lawyer said.


“that’s it, malone. Unusual name. Anyway, I was mad. So I went out after him. Saw him going in barroom up the street. caught up with him there and I said to him, ‘Look here, I know a lawyer named malone. be glad to help you find him,’ he didn’t pay any attention to me. Acted as though he thought I’d been drinking and didn’t know what I was doing. Just walked off and left me there. I was mad. So I finished my drink and went after him. only wanted to help, and chap wasn’t even civil to me.”


“Imagine that,” helene said sympathetically. She threw the chicken bone at the wastebasket. “So what did you do?”


“I kept after him. went different places. Still looking for this malone. think he’d have been tired of it by that time. can’t remember what places he went. can’t remember how long it took.” Suddenly he paused breath half indrawn. “there’s something else too.” For another brief moment, he seemed entirely sober. “but I can’t think what it was. Something ghastly. I can’t remember it. Everything gets mixed up. I remember following some man to a lot of different places because he was looking for someone named malone, and I’d heard of someone named malone, and going in and out of places and the snow out on the street and something that was terrible but I can’t think what it was, and that’s all. And it’s all mixed up and I can’t remember what happened when.” he drew a long, shuddering breath, buried his face in his hands, and said something that sounded like “mamma!” After a while he looked up again. “I can’t remember.”


“don’t try,” Jake said quietly.


After a very long silence, helene said gently, “what you need, Ross, is a drink.”


he looked at her gratefully. “that’s right. maybe we’d better go out and get one.”


helene glanced at the array of bottles on the bureau and said, “maybe we’d better stay right here.” She picked up the bottle of old crow and handed it to him. “Ross, what happened the day Gerald tuesday was murdered?”


A light came into his eyes. “I remember. that wasn’t very long ago. there was this man tuesday. And something about some man named malone.”


“that’s me,” the little lawyer said feebly.


the young man turned to helene. “Funny how many men there are named malone.”


“Funny is no word for it,” helene said grimly. “was mr. tuesday looking for a malone?”


“that’s it. I was all alone in my room. been drinking a little. All alone, nobody even cared where I was. Somebody knocked on my door. man came in. Said his name was Gerald tuesday. Looking for telephone book. he said, ‘I’m sorry to trouble you, old man, but I’m looking for a telephone book.’” Ross mcLaurin paused and said wistfully, “where’s the best place to get a drink?”


“Right here,” Jake said hastily, handing him the bottle again. “did you have a telephone book?”


he nodded. “Sure I had a telephone book. why, you want one? No? well, this man did. I picked it up and said, ‘what name d’ya want? be glad to look it up for you’ he acted as though he thought I was drunk. that made me mad. I said, ‘don’t you think I can find a name in the telephone book?’ he said he was looking for a man named malone. I said, ‘that’s funny, I know of a man named malone—’”


helene put a hand firmly over malone’s mouth and said, “did you find the name for him?”


Ross mcLaurin shook his head vigorously. “he looked it up himself. Said thanks and went away. then I sat down and had a drink and I got to thinking. here this man was looking for a malone. Now by a funny kind of coincidence on New Year’s Eve I’d met another man looking for some malone. did I tell you about that?”


Jake and helene nodded in unison. “You did,” helene said grimly.


“tha’s right, guess I did. well, anyway, I got to thinking about it, and I came to the conclusion I’d better tell this Gerald tuesday about the whole thing. didn’t like him, but thought I’d better tell him. So I took a drink to steady my nerves and went down to his room.”


there was an anxious silence. “well?” Jake said at last.


“I didn’t stop to knock. Just opened the door and went in.” there was another pause, agonizingly long.


“You opened the door and went in,” helene said, when she couldn’t stand it any more, “and then what?”


“I—” the young man sat straight up in bed, staring at her. the color began to recede from his cheeks. “I haven’t forgotten. I do remember. I remember everything, exactly as it was.”


Suddenly he lay back on the pillow, his eyes closed.


“Yes, I do remember. I went in there—” his voice trailed off into silence.


“Ross,” Jake said sharply, and then louder, “Ross!”


there was no answer.


“oh Lord!” helene wailed, “he’s died on our hands!”


malone rose laboriously from the floor, bent over the bed, and carefully examined the motionless figure.


“No,” he said wearily, “he’s not dead. but he’s dead to the world. he probably will be, for hours to e. And we still don’t know what the hell he remembers.”
